Are you registered to vote? Check to be sure!

Here’s how to check your registration status in Tarrant County.

(opens in new tab).
2Click OK to close the information box.
3In the box that appears in the upper left-hand corner, fill in your last and first name, and your birth date, then click Search.
4Your information should appear, along with the districts, precincts, and office positions you are represented by.

(In the unlikely event there are multiple people with the same name and birth date, you'll see a list. Select the correct person.)

Click on any blue underlined number to see more information about that office.
5If your information does not appear, you are not registered.

If your name appears but your address (or anything else) is incorrect, you will need to update your registration.
See the next section for registration forms and information.

How to register to vote or update your registration

Postage-paid voter registration applications (for new registrations or updates) are available at the Tarrant County Elections Center, all Tarrant County subcourthouses, U.S. post offices, city halls, libraries, and public assistance offices in Tarrant County.

Here are voter registration forms in English and Spanish. These are PDF forms that you fill in online, then print. (Here is where these forms are online:

Once you’ve filled out and signed your registration form, you must send it by mail or deliver it in person to:

Voter Registration
Tarrant County Elections
2700 Premier St.
Fort Worth, TX 76111-3011